Foundations for Microstrip Circuit Design (Terry C. Edwards). - Скачать | Читать книгу онлайн > 자유게시판

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Foundations for Microstrip Circuit Design (Terry C. Edwards). - Скача…

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작성자 Hildred 댓글 0건 조회 18회 작성일 23-11-17 17:40


Представляем для скачивания и чтения книгу Foundations for Microstrip Circuit Design от известного автора Terry C. Edwards.

Произведение -го года.

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Building on the success of the previous three editions, Foundations for Microstrip Circuit Design offers extensive new, updated and revised material based upon the latest research. Strongly design-oriented, this fourth edition provides the reader with a fundamental understanding of this fast expanding field making it a definitive source for professional engineers and researchers and an indispensable reference for senior students in electronic engineering. Topics new to this edition: microwave substrates, multilayer transmission line structures, modern EM tools and techniques, microstrip and planar transmision line design, transmission line theory, substrates for planar transmission lines, Vias, wirebonds, 3D integrated interposer structures, computer-aided design, microstrip and power-dependent effects, circuit models, microwave network analysis, microstrip passive elements, and slotline design fundamentals.

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