Heart Of A Cowboy: Creed's Honor / Unforgiven (B.J. Daniels). - Скачать | Читать книгу онлайн > 자유게시판

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Heart Of A Cowboy: Creed's Honor / Unforgiven (B.J. Daniels). - Скач…

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작성자 Cornell Cornwel… 댓글 0건 조회 13회 작성일 23-11-17 08:52


Wmlogs - https://wmlogs.com/bg/market/i/the-council-complete-season-xbox-klyuch-36436. Представляем для скачивания и чтения книгу Heart Of A Cowboy: Creed's Honor / Unforgiven от известного автора B.J. Daniels.

Произведение -го года.

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From «First Lady of the West» Linda Lael Miller and New York Times bestselling author B.J. Daniels come two tales of love and trust in big sky country.Creed's HonorLinda Lael MillerConner Creed knows exactly who he is: a hardworking rancher carrying on his uncle’s legacy in Lonesome Bend, Colorado. Maybe a small-town cowboy’s life isn’t his dream, but he owes the man who took him in as a kid. When he meets Tricia McCall, a newcomer to the small-town, he discovers a kindred spirit who knows a thing or two of her own about living someone else’s dreams. As they each struggle with their own desires, together they might just find their own dreams in Lonesome Bend.UnforgivenB.J. DanielsIn Beartooth, Montana, land and family is everything. So when Destry Grant’s brother is accused of killing Rylan West’s sister, the high school sweethearts leave their relationship behind in order to help their families recover from tragedy. Years later, Destry is dedicated to her ranch and making plans for the future. Plans that just might include reuniting with the love of her life. Rylan, too, is done denying his feelings for Destry. But when her brother returns to clear his name and the secrets of the past threaten to resurface, their last chance at love may turn them against each other for good.

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